the story of crossing creek


A boy from Scotland and a girl from Maitland met in Newcastle. They used to spend a lot of time in the Hunter Valley together at a family farm, where they fell in love.

Fast forward to said boy and girl with a young family of their own and a house in Newcastle, but craving the beauty, space and experience of the Hunter Valley to share with their young children.

Many a weekend looking at property, lunching, dreaming, repeat. On the way home from a viewing they drove past a for sale sign and seeing the gates open decided to drive on in. Shaped like a bottle neck, the property wound down a driveway and then opened up into the most breathtaking vista of the Brokenback Ranges, along with a well manicured vineyard, olives, orchard and dam with a token shed. It was perfection.

After enjoying the property for a few years, mainly glamping with friends they came to the natural conclusion to see what calibre of product could be produced from this beautiful patch of earth. The result has been an amazing journey meeting the close knit community of Pokolbin and the Hunter, and having the privilege of producing award winning, boutique wines to be proud of.

The naming of the new property and label was always an ongoing topic. One stormy night the Hunter received record rains and the semi-permanent creek billowed with water. Whilst surveying the property the next day, the damage found many trees had fallen across the creek in the flood waters. The owners daughters and their friends starting running across them, and as they became more difficult, they each dared each other to cross the next scary gap along the fallen tree logs. The youngest announced she was to cross the highest, thinnest, most treacherous log. Halfway across the log, as everyone stood in stunned silence, she stopped, froze and started crying. Crying led to swaying as her Father reached out as far as he could from one side to encourage her to take the extra steps to reach the edge.

So, Crossing Creek was born.